Outbreak Prime Quest Steps

Be the Battery Exotic
- Complete a Nightfall
- Complete 3 Public Events in Plaguelands
- Complete 3 Crucible Matches or Heroic Strikes
- Get 50 Kills with a Pulse Rifle

That Light May Bind
Fireteam of Warlock, Titan, Hunter
Synchronize the SIVA Engine (WotM monitors activated/chest opened):
- top row 1, middle 2, bottom 3
- Class numbers:
---Hunter 23223
---Warlock 31313
---Titan 32323

Parts of a Whole
With same Fireteam:
- Patrol Plaguelands
- Complete 3 Archon Forges
- Destroy Sepiks Perfected

Synchronize SIVA Engine (top row 1, middle 2, next 3, bottom 4)
Hunter 24414
Warlock 13334
Titan 42123

Complete the WotM again to get three components, 1 from each bossFinal number is 730
Starting number changes between classes
Calculator to solve sequence: https://2g.be/tools/siva/
Shiro gives Outbreak Prime

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