Taken Zealot Locations

Skywatch - Irxori
The Divide - Darnu
Rocketyard - Stirok

Ishtar Cliffs - Grayris
Ember Caves - Blighted Descendant
The Citadel - Blighted Descendant
Shattered Coast - Grayris
Ishtar Commons - Sho'oulth

The Barrens - Sho'oulth
Scablands - Sho'oulth
Rubicon Wastes - Sho'oulth
Valley of the Kings - Blighted Descendant
Buried City - Blighted Descendant
The Hollows - Blighted Descendant

Taken Ultras that can spawn during Taken Blight patrol missions:
Earth: Dock 13 - Falsek
Moon: Shrine of Oryx - Krathoor
Venus: Cinders - Lhoks
Venus: Endless Steps - Blighted Chord
Mars: The Legion's Keep - Bracus Dru'urng
Dreadnaught: Trenchway - Balvog

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