This script for MacOS will detect if a Zoom, Teams, or WebEx call is active and if so, turn on a Philips Hue plug, and turn it off when there is no active call. API calls to Hue devices require a Hue Hub. It can be easily adapted to turn on Hue bulbs or take any other actions. I recommend using launchd to run the script automatically every 60 seconds. |
#!/bin/bash #Script v0.5.1 #Note this uses the Hue v2 API #Requires Hue v2 hub and up to date firmware #In this case Im using a hue plug with an "on air" sign, but you can add color, brightness, etc to the API call if you are using a Hue color bulb ##### PRESET SOME STUFF N JUNK ##### hueIp='' # Hue Hub IP hueApiKey='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' # Hue API Key v2Id='xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' # Hue Plug ID ##### GET ZOOM & TEAMS STATE ##### zoomState=`ps -ax | grep zoom` teamsState=`ps -ax | grep microsoft.teams` webexState=`ps -ax | grep webex` ##### IF ZOOM, TEAMS, WEBEX ACTIVE TURN ON, ELSE TURN OFF ##### if [[ "$zoomState" == *"CptHost"* ]] || [[ "$teamsState" == *""* ]] || [[ "$webexState" == *""* ]]; then echo ""; echo "Zoom, MS Teams, or WebEx active, turning ON light"; echo "" ##### ON AIR SIGN, ON ##### huePut=`curl --insecure -X PUT "https://$hueIp/clip/v2/resource/light/$v2Id" -H "hue-application-key: $hueApiKey" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{ "on": {"on":true} } '` else echo ""; echo "Zoom, MS Teams, or WebEx NOT active, turning OFF light"; echo "" ##### ON AIR SIGN, OFF ##### huePut=`curl --insecure -X PUT "https://$hueIp/clip/v2/resource/light/$v2Id" -H "hue-application-key: $hueApiKey" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{ "on": {"on":false} } '` fi |