Character Rushing Requirements and Route

Required Waypoints:
- Act 1: Catacombs Level 2
- Act 2: Far Oasis, Lost City, Arcane Santuary, Canyon of the Magi, (Halls of the Dead Level 2 if dont have Horadric Cube)
- Act 3: Travanical, Durance of Hate Level 2
- Act 4: River of Flame
- Act 5: Ancients Way, Worldstone Level 2

Act 1:
- Catacombs Level 2, Kill Anadariel

Act 2:
- Far Oasis, Maggot Lair level 3, kill Coldworm the Burrower, open chest for Horadric Staff
- Lost City, Claw Viper Temple level 2, open chest for Horadric Amulet
- Transmute Staff and Horadric Amulet in to Staff
- Talk to Drognan
- Arcane Sanctuary waypoint, this will allow you to enter the building that Jehryn is in
- Kill Summoner in Arcane Sanctuary, click book, go though red portal to Canyon of the Magi
- Go to correct Tomb, find Orfice insert Staff, kill Duriel, run on to Tyreal

Act 3:
- Travanical, kill Council
- Durance Hate Level 2, find level 3, kill Mephisto

Act 4:
- River of Flame, run to Chaos Sanctuary, kill seal Bosses, kill Diablo
- Before Diablo appears, TP the leechers right above the middle circle

Act 5:
- Ancients Way, run to Arreat Summit, kill Ancients
- Worldstone Level 2, run to the Throne of Destruction, kill Baal waves
- Though red portal, kill Baal

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